Stemming off of recent posts and the latest Rugby League in America Podcast, we invite you to add your thoughts and opinions on how best to grow the sport in the United States.
*PLEASE NOTE* If you decide to put any hate speech or anything else that is deemed to be in bad form you will be banned.
So please comment and your thoughts below.
Exposure. Union C.E.O.s will always treat League as a virus worldwide. Successful marketing, using LEAGUE highlights to spark interest in RUGBY. Exposure in the U.S.A needs to Expose about how this sport was born. Anti Apartheid working class teams from towns and suburbs with local company's names on their Jerseys (sponsorship). Changed the rules and the number of players. Should have Ditched the Tag of Rugby TO Rebel. Most luv the underdog! What happened to the MEN, That showed so much
heart 30 years ago. 2 Marines played in the Forwards (the engine room). Elon Musk should loan u Dustin. His credit card to secure or market a Rematch. The public would dig it. Fuk the politics that changes like the weather. Big Fred put in a Big show. Mark Geyer like. Wonder if he is still around ?